Friday, April 15, 2011

Mummy's Voice: Our 12th Year anniversary today!

"6 years courtship + 6 years marriage = 12 years together"
"Resulted in Golden & Silver, Asher & Ayden in our lives"
"created the SEAH family of ...
Alvin & Lindy, Asher, Ayden"

"I was surprised, I was stunned and I was moved.."

All because of my surprised gift of an "overdue" 4-dian jin & its rationale...

especially after quite some time of moody roller coaster mood swings..
with special relevance to MR ALVIN SEAH.

we had a good talk last week and you finally acknowledged and decided to put in efforts to address the issues. Thank you. Now I know I am not alone afterall...

you know, it takes more than just a good man to sustain the love and marriage...

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