Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mummy's Voice: Life Goes On!

I acknowledge I am the EMOTIONAL FREAK who
never fails to let my tears flow like a running tap
at the slightest touch to my heart...
at the slightest moment of my helplessness...
at the slightest unjust I feel...

Despite that, I am still very much a RATIONAL person....hmm a woman who
at times is just like a little girl laughing away to my heart's content so genuinely and
at times with no choice but to shoulder all the tasks and overcome the obstacles ahead independently...

The devil in me always tell is no use one.
The angel in me always tell is ok, just do your best, put in your heart and soul...
one day time will tell.
Will time really time? I doubt so.

Anyway, someone just reminded long as I have done my best, nothing against my conscience, I dont have to care about anything much outside that. Many times, human beings are selfish...only thinking for themselves without sparing a thought for others.
Those quiet ones are the most harmful ones!

As for now, don't think so much anymore. Don't dwell on the past anymore.
Just move on. LIFE GOES ON.

Generate all my efforts for my family.
For my 2 precious, simply adorable Baby...Baby Asher, Baby Ayden!
Generate all my efforts for my personal aims and work and my hubby!

jia you!!!

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