Saturday, July 31, 2010

7.5months old

I am now 7.5 months old.
As always, am a happy and cheery baby.

our new helper, Auntie Elizabeth and I!

So far, Auntie Beth seems really a good helper for mummy and us!
With a good helper, Mummy can arrange more activities for us and at least when Mummy sends Kor Kor Asher to school at Bibinogs, there is someone to look after me. :)

Sometimes Gong Gong & Po Po want to take Kor Kor Asher to stay over at their place...
when will it be Ayden's turn? Anyway, since Kor Kor is with Gong Gong & Po Po, Mummy took the opportunity to bring me and Grandma (Wai Po) out for high tea at Merchant Court Hotel.
It's my first high tea!!!

zzz by the river...;)

It was my first try on the hair chair too

Mummy & I

zzz after a good meal at the high tea...
i loved the pandan chiffon!
I want adult food!

zzz by the river...

see! I am pulling to stand on my own at every opportunity these days!

watching TV with my Kor Kor..

Everywhere I Go oh...
People always say I am such an adorable baby!! :D *shy shy*

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