Saturday, December 26, 2009

My past week settling in at home... ...

Today is the first time mummy bathed for me personally...but no pictures... Past few days I had been bathed by PoPo...Daddy's Mummy.

Kor Kor Asher has been ultra nice to me too... ...He will always rush to pat pat me when i cry... ...
There is this once, when mummy was changing my nappy for me, kor kor asher saw that my butt was reddish...he actually said:"Hot. Hot. Blow Blow." and he went on to blow my butt... ...hahaha mummy thought it was soOOOoo funny. Kor Kor Asher relates RED to HOT.

Then another time, he saw that I had no Bolster (chou4 chou4), he actually gave me his bolsters by placing them next to me... wonderful big brother Asher!

zzz in my cot...

always zzz...

So far, jealousy from Kor Kor has been at super minimum. Mummy hopes it will stay that way. :)
Though managing both Kor Kor and I has been tiring for Mummy, especially now that I have to be fed every 2 to 3 hours.....but we are great boys and will be!!

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