Monday, March 21, 2011

My recent developments

-eats fact eating is one of my favourite past time..but I don't seem to get fat..
-eats literally everything even wolfberries and I like to point to what I want at a particular moment and will reject the ones that I am not referring to until the adults get the right one...
-still wearing L size diapers as I am rather trim and the XL size is still kind of loosely fitted on me..hee hee will drop...
-calling aloud mama, papa, ball ball, nana, kick, bob, eat, bird... ...and more & more word-like sounds very similar to the words
-shows my discontentment when shown my past videos in which I am crying...
-likes to see bird and especially every morning after I wake up when we get out of our room..
-likes walking around in the house..
-gets jealous and likes to fight for mummy with with brother Asher..
-walks to get the milk powder from a table where a basket containing the milk powder and etc are left every morning when I wake up...gesturing to Mummy that I want milk..once mummy made the milk and gives me the bottle of milk, I will walk back to my mattress and lie down to drink...
-likes to tilt my head to Mummy's view and say "Mama" until I get her acknowledgment.
-seem to adore my grandpa surprisingly ...i prefer my grandpa to grandma...hahaha
-likes to cling on to daddy and mummy..if I dont want to get down, I wll "fuss" and "kick", throw my legs about..which is rather cute(according to mummy)
-always "bully" my brother Asher...I kind of beat him when I don't get what I want from him..or if he takes the toy I want..hehe and kor kor will mostly "lose" to me and cry...hahahha
-"vroom Vroom!! Ask and gestures to play Lightning McQueen for me to bringing the remote control to Mummy.." I am a huge fan of Lightning McQueen and Bob Builder!!
-enjoys strolling the new bob builder stroller bag mummy bought for Kor Kor Asher to bring to school...I always thought I will be the one going as I head for the car eagerly...but always end up in disappointment..
-likes to scribble with crayons or markers...
-likes to be a part of everything, every activity...
-seems afraid of Lizards...I am a timid boy...but I have Brother Asher to protect me!!

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