Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pulling to Stand! & Crawling all over the place!

Just over couple of days time from my first attempts to crawl....
raising my butt...
my shaky wobbly crawl attempt...
I am now crawling well and fast...
I can pull myself to stand too!
Mummy thinks I may even take my first independent step faster than Kor kor Asher...
I will crawl to where there is support for me to pull to stand position....
Our major milestones so far are pretty similar except that my first pair of tooth erupted slower by about 1 month plus than Kor Kor Asher.
Mummy exclusively breatfed both of us till 6 months...erm to be exact Kor Kor Asher till exactly 6 months while Ayden (me) till 5.5months before introducing some solids to us like the brown rice cereal, Cerelac Cereal, Heinz jars etc...
Mummy says I LOVE the Heinz fruit jars whereas Kor Kor Asher never really fancied.
Next to happen...home cooked porridge which Kor Kor started having around 7months + old...
Followed by...introducing of 1 formula milk for night feed at 10months old.
Will I be following the same procedure??
crawling everywhere..

i like chewing onto the green bowl...

pulling myself to stand with the helpof the daybed

pulling myself to stand in the playpen

Ayden me! in the walker
as mummy and kor kor take their lunch at the dining table
spending some BROTHERHOOD time together in harmony!

Mummy are you going to read to me??
I want this book!

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