Sunday, June 13, 2010

First time to be sick: Grouchy & down with perhaps Viral Fever?

Since Friday 11th afternoon...fever up down ... ...from 37.x to 38.x...39.X...
teething? looks like...cos I am drooling lots and always wants to chew on some stuffs...

Mummy doesn't want to give me medicine...wants me to develop my immunity without relying on medicine... ... so she just monitor my temperature and behaviour and sponge me regularly...

However, sat afternoon, I am beginning to have outbreak of rashes throughout my body and limps... perhaps it is just a viral fever attack.

even my little hand has rashes...

that's my back full of rashes...

my arm ...

and I always want to be carried to sleep.... ....
sick babies are always grouchy babies... ...
and mummies with sick babies are always reluctant to let go of them...
cos they know their warmth is all what the babies want.

Love Love Lots!

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