Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I am two months old!!

As I turn two months, Kor Kor Asher turns TWO years old!

My past month...

sleeping happily over mummy's shoulders...my fav position...

Dinner at Sakae Sushi with Uncle Vid and WaiPo...
I slept in my Vibe...

i want MILK!!!

Waipo & Mummy

Happy baby!

During my Hip Ultrasound

Poor baby...

In PoPo's arms

Kor Kor Asher feeding me milk milk

At Auntie Tricia's home...
mummy loved this outfit of mine she had bought!

in the arms of my mummy!

Where's kor kor asher???
Oh sleeping in the room!!

Kor Kor so big...still suck pacifier...
See baby Ayden me....No pacifier!

Sleeping away peacefully..
That's Kor Kor's hand..

We are brothers!

I am a VERY CHEERFUL baby!!





Naked Baby...
Focusing on the stuffs hanging above ...

I can't reach them...
Greatest conclusion during this 2nd month of mine is that my hip bone development shows fine in the ultrasound scan... ...hopefully I am really fine!

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