Monday, March 21, 2011

My recent developments

-eats fact eating is one of my favourite past time..but I don't seem to get fat..
-eats literally everything even wolfberries and I like to point to what I want at a particular moment and will reject the ones that I am not referring to until the adults get the right one...
-still wearing L size diapers as I am rather trim and the XL size is still kind of loosely fitted on me..hee hee will drop...
-calling aloud mama, papa, ball ball, nana, kick, bob, eat, bird... ...and more & more word-like sounds very similar to the words
-shows my discontentment when shown my past videos in which I am crying...
-likes to see bird and especially every morning after I wake up when we get out of our room..
-likes walking around in the house..
-gets jealous and likes to fight for mummy with with brother Asher..
-walks to get the milk powder from a table where a basket containing the milk powder and etc are left every morning when I wake up...gesturing to Mummy that I want milk..once mummy made the milk and gives me the bottle of milk, I will walk back to my mattress and lie down to drink...
-likes to tilt my head to Mummy's view and say "Mama" until I get her acknowledgment.
-seem to adore my grandpa surprisingly ...i prefer my grandpa to grandma...hahaha
-likes to cling on to daddy and mummy..if I dont want to get down, I wll "fuss" and "kick", throw my legs about..which is rather cute(according to mummy)
-always "bully" my brother Asher...I kind of beat him when I don't get what I want from him..or if he takes the toy I want..hehe and kor kor will mostly "lose" to me and cry...hahahha
-"vroom Vroom!! Ask and gestures to play Lightning McQueen for me to bringing the remote control to Mummy.." I am a huge fan of Lightning McQueen and Bob Builder!!
-enjoys strolling the new bob builder stroller bag mummy bought for Kor Kor Asher to bring to school...I always thought I will be the one going as I head for the car eagerly...but always end up in disappointment..
-likes to scribble with crayons or markers...
-likes to be a part of everything, every activity...
-seems afraid of Lizards...I am a timid boy...but I have Brother Asher to protect me!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

I turned 15 months & We went Sentosa!

15th March 2011 Tuesday.
The day Kor Kor turned 37 months old and I turned 15 months old...
Mummy brought us to Sentosa...
We went together with Uncle Felix & family..and Wai Po.
It was fun for Kor Kor..but I couldnt do most of the rides as I am still too young..but I had a good time strolling too...

Surprisingly I did well for my first time into the "cinematrix" movie...where the seat rocks and shakes...I sat in Mummy's laps and Mummy covered my ears with her hands while I sat facing Mummy...hugged closely in her arms...Cousin Ines cried...

Hopefully Daddy can join us in our outings soon!

waiting for the rest while they do the Luge & skyride
I hope to join in next time when I am older...
one thing for sure is, I enjoyed a feast today!
one of my favourite past time is EAT!
Jared Kor Kor & I
Crossing the shaky bridge
Admiring the sea?
Wai po, Mummy & I
our hearty snack while waiting for the rain to be over
taking my nap...
on the tram ride...toot toot

Auntie Beth's day off and Mummy is home alone with me! Or I am home alone with Mummy!!
Mummy cooked for me and I finished everything!!! Yummy!!
I like to eat on my own and although it can be a real mess, Mummy highly encourages it! :)

:) We went for a short walk just outside our home while Kor Kor Asher cycled...
most importantly, Daddy came along!! :) We are happy!!!

Walking walking on my own

Kor Kor has learned to share toys with me...
play together with me...

some pedal exercise out in the evening sun!
one of our favourite play time is playing at the sand pit

Every morning when Kor Kor Asher goes to school, I will happily stroll his bag out and walk towards Mummy's if I am the one to go to school.
But reality knocks into me once Mummy carries me and pass me to Auntie Beth...while Kor Kor Asher gets into the car!!!I am then asked to wave goodbye to them, to the car that I thought I was going to get in!!!!

Mummy...I want to go too!!!
Bring me along!!!
Mummy!!!! Kor Kor!!!

When can I go to school like Kor Kor Asher??
:( I want to go too!!

water play after sand play when Keira Jie Jie came to visit us
three of us having fun together!!
knocked out after a day's fun with Keira

Oh, one of our recent latest favourite play place: NEX MALL!!
It has got a fantastic playarea for kids like us and good mix of shops for Mummy to do her shopping and get the essentials...and it is not too far from our place! Only thing is the lifts and carpark ain't too user-friendly.

Kor Kor pat pat me when I cried
I want to get out!
finally I am out and Kor Kor's turn to be in there. ;p
ice cream!!! Give me my ice cream...
I am happy to hold on to the ice cream on my own
and eat on my own
having fun at the playground
weeeeeee.....woooo.....we slide down together!!!
we get changed after we are done playing...
WaiPo, Mummy and us!!
Waipo, Auntie Beth & us!!
Taking our milk....
and zzz
knocked out from all the running about and play!!
It's good to have a double buggy at such times!
playing pretend train ride at home...
toot toot!!
we were at God-Sister Sara's Baby Full month Celebration!

If only Daddy is here...
Happily resting

we are both fighting for mummy
I want Mummy!!
as soon as we got into the car...on our way to our next children's party, I fell asleep..
i like Bob Builder
Wait for me
"bob bob bob"
it is a spoon not toothbrush...
Look like I am brushing my teeth right?
I want to eat

Daddy and Mummy always comment that I am such a "gey yan" baby....
What does it mean??
Funny? Cheeky?