Sunday, November 28, 2010

I am walking independently!!

I am walking independently...and I just cannot stop walking.. :)
I like to walk, I like to go GAI GAI (outing) and love car rides!

Mummy met up with Auntie Grace and Auntie Cheryl and we were at Orchard ION!

i want to walk on my own
"shopping" in ION on my own..

oh this is at IKEA...i wanted to get into the cot...
playing bang bang...
goodbye Kor Kor....
Kor Kor go to school..
aiyoh...mummy was so worried I'd put my head through...
hee...I am not that stupid!

Vroom Vroom...our new bulldozer!
thank you daddy!

Looking forward to my 1st birthday Celebration!!

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